Introducing my microblog, comments on my RSS feeds


I got a place for microblogging on my website now. You can find it here.
Twitter is almost deprecated for me, I guess. I just need to set up a way to simply create posts for my microblog now. We’ll see how hard that will be…

This is published on my usual blog as a way to introduce the microblogging section, in case you missed it.
There is also a new link in the menu which you can use.

You can expect short, Twitter-like posts there (hence the name “microblog”) concerning whatever I feel like talking about that isn’t enough for an actual blog post and probably has little to no research behind it. It’s mostly to put my thoughts somewhere that isn’t a random text file on my local drive so they can rot publicly on the internet instead of in a private Discord1 channel.

As far as commenting on my microblog posts goes, you should do the same as on every blog post: send me an E-Mail to one of the addresses listed at the bottom of the post.

I will try using my website instead of Twitter now, since Twitter sucks. But, no promises, maybe this is all too tedious for me (for now).

RSS feeds

You might have noticed the new “This page’s RSS feed” link in the menu. This gives you the RSS link to whatever page you’re currently on, including all subpages. If you take my main pages’s RSS link, you’ll get updates on all the sections of my website, including blog posts and now also microblog posts.
If you just want either, go to the desired section and get the link of it there. That feed will then only include that section and it’s subpages.

For more information, read the documentation on hugo RSS feeds.

  1. I’ll say it as often as I have to: Fuck Discord. Don’t use it. ↩︎

Do you have a comment on one of my posts? Feel free to send me an E-Mail:
To participate in a public discussion, use my public inbox: ~witcher/
Please review the mail etiquette.

Posted on: March 02, 2022

Articles from blogs I read

OpenSSH introduces options to penalize undesirable behavior

In a recent commit, Damien Miller (djm@) introduced the new sshd(8) configurations options, PerSourcePenalties and PerSourcePenaltyExemptList, to provide a built in facility in sshd(8) itself to penalize undesirable behavior, and to shield specific client…

via OpenBSD Journal June 7, 2024

Your Node is Leaking Memory? setTimeout Could be the Reason

This is mostly an FYI for node developers. The issue being discussed in this post has caused us quite a bit of pain. It has to do with how node deals with timeouts. In short: you can very easily create memory leaks [1] with the setTimeout API in node. You…

via Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings June 5, 2024

The state of SourceHut and our plans for the future

Good morning! It’s been a tough year for SourceHut and I know many of our users are waiting to hear from us. Our last update was the post-mortem following the DDoS attack we sustained in January, and we have some additional news following this update as well…

via Blogs on Sourcehut June 4, 2024

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